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Embracing Challenge

Updated: Feb 9

Embracing Challenge

(An excerpt from my forthcoming book 'Reinventing Leadership - A Catalyst for Change')

This part of my book deals with leaders who either run away from facing the storm or are shy of taking up challenges. The actual trigger is based on a real-life event (few years ago) of a successful leader who reported at his next place of duty to take up an assignment and after finding the on-goings too 'hot', delicately got himself re-appointed somewhere else. 

The perception of a leader among 'peers and subordinates' is a fragile thing, built over time but easily shattered. When faced with adversity, it's human nature to contemplate evasion. But as the saying goes, "ships in the harbour are safe, but that's not what ships are built for". Leadership is about navigating uncharted waters, not staying docked. By avoiding challenges, a leader indirectly signals a lack of faith in their team's capabilities and their own competence. This has profound effects on team morale and trust.

A study conducted by the Harvard Business Review revealed that teams with trusting leaders were 76% more engaged, reported 74% less stress, and 40% less burnout than teams with leaders who were perceived as untrustworthy. When leaders run from challenges, they inadvertently erode the very foundation of trust upon which teams are built.

Furthermore, leaders are often looked upon as role models. Their actions set a tone for the organizational culture. If they flee from challenges, they instill a culture of risk-aversion, limiting innovation and growth. But when they face challenges head-on, they create an environment where perseverance, resilience, and innovation thrive. This not only drives organizational success but also nurtures future leaders who are adept at tackling adversity.

So, why is it crucial for leaders to head fearlessly into the storm? 

Firstly, it's about personal growth. Just as steel is forged in fire, true leadership qualities are refined in the face of adversity. Challenges provide an unparalleled opportunity for introspection, learning, and growth.

Secondly, it's about harnessing the full potential of available resources. A leader's strength lies not just in their own abilities but in their capacity to mobilize and inspire their team. By facing challenges head-on, leaders can tap into the collective wisdom, experience, and strength of their team. They ensure that every resource – be it human, financial, or technological – is utilized optimally to navigate the storm.

Lastly, facing challenges fearlessly is about legacy. History is replete with tales of leaders who, in the face of insurmountable odds, chose to fight rather than flee. They are celebrated not because they always emerged victorious, but because they displayed indomitable spirit and courage. They understood that leadership is not about never falling, but about rising every time you fall. Such leaders leave behind legacies that inspire generations. 

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Hi, I'm Sanjay Roye

An accomplished Naval leader with 37 years of extensive experience in challenging VUCA environments across the globe.

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